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"The Builders Fund"

“Builders of Men”

Auburn FarmHouse stands on the foundation built by the brother's before us and continues to stand by the brothers both present and previous. The Building Fund hopes to continue the current fellowship of the brothers with a new and improved space.

"Progress Shall Mark Our Every Step."

Since 1971, Auburn FarmHouse has made tremendous growth as a fraternity. We want to highlight some of our most prominent steps.  



Founded in 1971, 31 members started the Alpha Zeta Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity at Auburn University. Although 140 Toomer Street confined the brotherhood to small growth, the future was bright for a fraternity that was gaining recognition for high quality guys and high quality events. 



Since moving into the current house in 1992 FarmHouse has solidified itself on Auburn's Campus and throughout the southeast as a brotherhood that's genuine and prides itself on building and producing men that are developed spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically.


This is where FarmHouse is going, building upon the current site, FarmHouse is going to continue exceling educationally, socially and mentally developing young men into great members of society. Continuing the impact that FarmHouse has made on young men for the last 50 years, this new house will enable young men to be grown and defined by principles set by the faith and beliefs set by every brother over the past 50 years.

Spotlight Video

This video is here to brief you on a general breakdown of what "The Building Fund" is and what the primary goals of this campaign are!



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